Want to Learn "The BEST Way to prepare for NDA Written Exam?"
Is NDA Written Exam EASY or TOUGH to Crack?

The First and Foremost thing you should understand is that NDA written Exam is VERY EASY to clear if you plan for it properly. You might have come across “NDA written is very TOUGH to crack” “It’s not everyone’s cup of tea“, etc. This is all Bullshit. THESE statements are made either by people/websites/blogs those who want to sell their Books/Course Materials/Courses/Advertisements,etc or by people who have either never ever appeared for NDA exam or have never cleared the exam.
You might find above mentioned statement very BOLD but its very true. Let me prove it to you, Try to find information of candidates who have cleared the NDA written exam, he might be your friend, your friend’s friend, neighbour, senior, etc. Ask them their 10th and 12th Board Exam percentage, you will be surprised to find maximum of the students will be from 55% – 75% category. Students from lower or upper percentage bracket may also have cleared the exam but majority comes from this bracket. If the N.D.A written Exam is so TOUGH, then how on earth from last so many years 55% or 60% students are clearing the written exam. The only reason I can find is, other than having Desire and Dream to join NDA and they put in right efforts and right planning in place to do so.
In first 2 para’s, I made 2 points clear:
1. NDA written exam is easy to clear if you plan for it properly.
2. Anyone can clear the exam
If you are looking for points, how to prepare for N.D.A Exam, you can click here. But this article is about finding the Best way to prepare for NDA written Exam.
How i see it, I find 3 ways to prepare for N.D.A written exam
1. Self Preparation
2. Join any coaching class.
3. Join C.D.C.

- Self Preparation:
This is one of the good way to prepare. But the commitment level required is very high as you have to maintain the same consistency for nearly 2 years. On an average student who self prepares for the exam Buy one good book and try to finish that book before the exam i.e. prepares from that same book. Biggest challenges faced by such students are, since the N.D.A exam is conducted just after 12 board exam, students have to prepare for unit tests, half yearly exams, pre boards, tests in coaching institutes, etc. This drains their time and practice for N.D.A dips severely. - Join any coaching class for N.D.A written examination:
This is also a good way to prepare. But today finding a good coaching institute for N.D.A is very hard because 90% institutes providing N.D.A training are the ones that trains for IAS/IPS/UPSC/Govt Exams/Banks,etc. NDA is never their first or highest priority course, it might be UPSC/Bank/Govt Job,etc. but not NDA. NDA is always their additional course that they are selling. They are more interested in earning as much money as they can, from the property/class they have rented/bought. From business perspective they are doing very correct for themselves But from student’s perspective they will surely lack quality as per the saying “JACK of ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE”. Rest many Institutes are owned and runned by Ex – Armed Forces officers/personnels, who in todays scenario themselves cannot clear the N.D.A written exams. Reason, they might have worked in Forces for minimum 20 years or more i.e. newest of any such officer would have joined in 1990’s or earlier. Earlier the qualification required was class 10 and before that it was less than that. So, how can a 10 th pass person teach today’s youth for written exam? They can surely help for S.S.B and other stuff but surely not for written. (There is a catch in S.S.B guidance by these institutes as well, Whenever you want guidance for S.S.B always crosscheck whether the Officer there has a background of being Ex-GTO, psychologist or Interviewer in any of the S.S.B earlier. Because these above mentioned officers are the only ones which are trained for S.S.B). - Join C.D.C for N.D.A written examination:
This is also a good way to prepare for N.D.A written Exam. Since, C.D.C cater only to Defence Entries Training it has helped it to evolve along with various Defence Entries over a period of time. At C.D.C, we have seen & learned from the changes made in various Defence Entries of Army, Navy, Airforce,Paramilitary (they introduced changes in 2009, 2010,2011,2014,2017 and even more that are expected in near future). Accordingly we have adapted ourselves and are also continuously evolving with the changes. Being specialised means being Focused, thats what we have been towards the Defence Entries. We only cater to Defence Entries Training. We have team of Ex-officers, IITians, Ex-Commandos, Physical Trainers, Engineers,etc who continuously work with students to make there learning easy, interesting and effective. From this year i.e.2017, We have introduced our proprietary LMR technique (we have tested this in 2016 as well) for quick and easy learning, we use gamified learning during schools exams & tests which helped the students to focus on academic exams & also enjoy there NDA goal without being deterred. Our idea is that a candidate has to be constantly motivated and inspired to focus towards his GOAL. We believe every student is different, his strength and weak areas are different So each of them require Different Planning and Approach to clear the Exam. and that is C.D.C’s biggest USP. We help and guide every single student of ours to Chart Out his Plan and Approach to clear the Exam and fulfil his DREAM.
Let’s Compare them once again:
Self Preparation for N.D.A written | Coaching Class for N.D.A written | N.D.A written preparation at C.D.C |
Generally prepares from 1 book. | Generally prepares from 1 book, sometimes more. | Course material prepared from 9 books and is updated in house. |
Self motivation. | Motivates Students | Motivates Students. |
During tests/exams,etc NDA preparation takes back seat. | During tests/exams,etc NDA preparation takes back seat. | During tests/exams,etc NDA preparation is done through 15 min games, etc. |
Individual efforts. | JACK of ALL TRADES teaches for various exams. | Specialised in Defence Entries Training. |
Individual efforts to learn. | Old methods of learning. | Advance Learning methods used for easy and quick learning. Gamification of course material. LMR technique which is developed in house from past teachers and students experiences. |
Only award wining institute. | ||
Also offers 100% Money Back Guarantee Courses**. |
**C.D.C is utmost confident about it’s Course Material, Planing to crack Exam, Training Techniques that it also offers SPECIAL BATCHES with 100% Money Back Guarantee Courses for all Entries.

How to Crack the NDA Written Exam 2025: The Best Way to Study and Practice
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