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Physical Standards
- Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2016 as per guidelines are given in Appendix-IV. (I.e. some Qualified Candidates Are Rejected Subsequently On Medical Grounds. Candidates Are Therefore Advised In Their Own Interest To Get Themselves Medically Examined Before Submitting Their Applications To Avoid Disappointment At The Final Stage. Candidates are also advised to rectify minor defects/ailments to speed up finalisation of medical examination conducted at the Military Hospital after being recommended at the SSB).
- A candidate who has resigned or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any of the training academies of Armed Forces is not eligible to apply.
Visual standards
- The distance vision (corrected) should be 6/6 in better eye and 6/9 in the worse eye. Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism. Internal examination of the eye will be done using the ophthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye.
- A candidate must have good binocular vision. The colour vision standard will be (CP-III) for Army. A candidate should be able to recognise red and green colours. Candidates will be required to give certificates that neither he nor any member of his family has suffered from congenital night blindness.
- Candidates who have undergone or have the evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy, to improve the visual acuity will be permanently rejected for all the Services. Candidates who have undergone Laser Surgery for correction of the refractive error are also not acceptable to defence services.
Vision standard for NAVAL Candidates
- Uncorrected without glass 6/6, 6/9
- Corrected with glass 6/6, 6/6
- Limits of Myopia –0.75
- Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5
- Binocular Vision III
- Limits of colour perception I

Pradumna C.
Selected for NDA 146
Surjodeep Das
Cleared NDA Written Exam
Afzan Qureshi
Cleared CDS/OTA, AFCAT, INET Written Exams
Mahesh Mishra
Cleared CDS/OTA Written Exams
Shubham Kadam
Cleared CDS/OTA, AFCAT, INET Written Exams
Utkarsh Pathak
Cleared AFCAT Written Exams
Abhishek S
Cleared ACC Exam
Cleared NDA Written Exam
Shraddha W
Cleared INET, Coast Guard Written Exams
Mahesh K
Cleared Navy's SSR/AA Exam
Shubhranshu Pal
Cleared NDA Exam
Swapnil K
AirForce Garud Commando
Nishant Nakti
AirForce Garud Commando
Sahil Bises
Cleared Navy's SSR/AA Exam
Rohit Gaikwad
Cleared Navy's SSR/AA Exam
Rohit Shaw
Cleared Navy's SSR/AA Exam
Atul Inait
Cleared Navy's SSR/AA Exam
Joined Indian Army
Cleared AFCAT Written Exam