NDA for Females/Women :

Earlier, the NDA exam was taken only by unmarried male candidates.
However, after the interim order passed by the Supreme Court of India on August 18, 2021, the court has allowed girls/ women to take the NDA exam.
The application will remain open for women candidates from 24.09.2021 to 08.10.2021 (till 6:00 P.M). No application will be accepted beyond the prescribed last date/time, i.e., 08.10.2021(till 6:00 P.M).
The Examination is scheduled to be held on 14.11.2021. Women candidates are not required to pay fees for their application for this Examination.

Step by Step Guide for NDA for Females/Women from filling:

NDA for Females Step 1: Search ‘upsc online’ on google and click on the first link that reads https://upsconline.nic.in

NDA for Women

NDA for Females Step 2: Click on ‘National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II), 2021 – Only for Women Candidates’

NDA for Females  Step 3: Read through the instructions and important dates on the page.
You will see Part I and Part II Registration here. Click on Part I Registration if you haven’t filled the form before if you have filled Part I directly click on Part II Registration.

NDA for Females Step 4: Once you click on Part I Registration a set of Instructions will appear in front of you, read through that and then scroll to the bottom and Click ‘YES’

NDA for Females Step 5: Now you have the application form in front of you. Fill in all the details that they have asked for.
Fields marked by a star (‘*’) are mandatory so fill all the details.
After filling in all the details press the button at the very bottom of the form that says ‘CONTINUE’. 
For educational qualification, you can click on the view details option to select the appropriate qualification.

NDA form filling

NDA for Females Step 6: Now you will be redirected to another page wherein you will have to enter Photo id Proof (Aadhar Card Advisable otherwise you can choose from the dropdown menu whichever Photo id you wish to submit).

NDA for Females Step 7: On the very same page you will have to enter your preference of service you want.
This can be done be adding the number in front of each Army, Navy, Air Force, Naval Academy (for reference Army 1 Navy 2 Naval Academy 3, Airforce 4)
You can also chose to enter 0 in front of any service that you don’t want to opt for then click on ‘CONTINUE’ on the very bottom of the form.
You will get a page that will display your details confirm them if you chose to edit any of the details, click on the ‘UPDATE’ button and make changes where necessary.
Then finally after all changes are done click on ‘CONTINUE’.
This will complete your Part I Registration

NDA for Females Step 8: To proceed for Part II Registration you need a Registration ID which will be sent to you on both your mobile number as well as email id.
Enter the Registration ID and DOB as well as a captcha to proceed for Part II Registration. 

NDA for Females Step 9: In this part, you will have to upload a photo, signature and Photo id document which you have entered initially.
Photo and Signature should be in jpg format (jpeg is not accepted) and file size between 20kb and 300kb.
Photo id should be in pdf format and file size between 20kb and 300kb.

NDA for Females Step 10: After successfully uploading the documents you have to select the examination center. After successfully doing all the above steps your application will be submitted and a preview will appear along with a text message on registered mobile number stating that you have successfully completed Part II Registration.

BONUS STEP 1: Since you have filled the form now and the time for preparing for this exam is very limited you will need a preparation strategy.
For getting a personalised strategy our suggestion would be to check out Maximarks.com as it provides you personalised strategy to crack your examinations.
Just click on the button beside and Don’t Just Score. Succeed.

Head to Maximarks!

BONUS STEP 2: Still having issues with the from read our article on Top FAQ’s for NDA Exam Form Filling. It contains a detailed guide to resize the photo and pdfs. The article alongside belongs to NDA men but your doubts will be resolved an the steps for NDA for Women remain the same.

Read our FAQs blog

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