Joining a renowned class will help you plan for the exam properly. There are many NDA classes in Mumbai to help you out for clearing the exam. 

If you are an NDA aspirant, it is necessary to plan and strategies  to prepare for the exam. You should know the key aspects and focus on the key areas more. 

Never prepare for the exam with a motive to complete the syllabus. This is not an in-house school exam where you cover the syllabus and clear the exam. 

It is advised to candidates to choose the best quality study material and best Coaching for NDA

Some General Ability Books- 

1. History Of Modern India (History)- By Bipan Chandra

2. Science and Technology in India ( Science and Technology)- Kalpana Rajaram: Spectrum

3. Oxford School Atlas (Geography)- Oxford

4. Social Problems In India (Indian Society-GS1)- By Ram Ahuja

Few Tips To Clear The Exam- 

Plan your study pattern and the material you want to refer for the same. There is a lot of material available, but choose something that is exam relevant and covers all the important topics. 

Once you are done preparing with the syllabus. Start solving previous years question papers. If you really want to clear the exam and score well, consider solving a lot of past question papers. The blueprint of the exams has not changed for a while. There may be different questions every year, but the style of questions asked every year is the same. 

Buying guide books for solving question papers in such circumstances guide books, tailor-made for aspirants come handy. 

As an added bonus it contains question papers from various years and solution based papers. Choose a guide book that covers all the topics related to the written exam. 

When we talk about mathematics learning shortcut ways of calculation is important. If you don’t know the shortcuts it will surely take a lot of time and effort to find the right answer to any problem. 

You should solve any practice paper considering the negative marking system in mind. So if you don’t know the answer to any question, then you should not attempt that question. 

Manage your space while solving math problems. As you need to do some rough work while solving the problems. 

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