Why is CDC Best Institute for NDA/CDS/OTA/AFCAT/TA Training?

First Thing First

First of all we need to understand, these are Specialised Defence Examinations for the Selection of Future Defence Officers. The requirements/ expectations from these candidates are different from any banking candidates or from IAS or IES or IFS candidates (UPSC) or other MPSC exam candidates.

So, if the requirements are different, selection procedures, selection criteria, etc everything is different, Then how can we train them together or give same training?

There has to be a specialised way of Training to make them or mould them into perfect Defence Aspirants.

We at CDC, can proudly say that we are doing it.

Qualities expected of Defence Candidate

  • Effective Intelligence.
  • Reasoning Ability.
  • Power of Expression.
  • Self Confidence.
  • Determination.
  • Organizing Ability.
  • Initiative.
  • Courage.
  • Cooperation.
  • Sense of Responsibility.
  • Stamina.
  • Group Influencing Ability.
  • Liveliness.
  • Social Adaptability.
  • Speed of Decision.

Centre for Defence Careers

Specialised Defence Entries Training Institute

Since 2008

  • Since 2008, We are a specialised Defence Entries Training Institute and have never lost Focus from Defence Entries.

    We understand requirements of these entries, the Hard work, Discipline, Labour the candidates need to put in and the Right Guidance they need in the due Course.

    To fulfill these expectations we are trying to mould the candidates to be a perfect & ideal Defence officer aspirant who will not only qualify the written examination but will also get recommended at SSB.

    Hence our training procedure is entirely different from any other Institute.

C.D.C's Way of Training

NDA Training at CDC
  • To be an Armed Forces Officer Mental & Physical fitness is of prime importance.

    With the same focus training at CDC is a holistic process of mental & physical development.
  • We believe in the complete growth, development & progress of our candidates. Hence the candidates appearing for NDA Entrance Exam & CDS Entrance Exam who are expected to not just clear the written exam but also should get recommended by SSB are groomed in a very holistic manner. Special attention is given on cultivating OLQ’s since after qualifying NDA Exam or CDS Exam a candidate get only 1-2 months for SSB interview & no SSB training institute can instil the OLQ’s in 10-12 days of training program. They can just inform you but won’t be able to instil them in a candidate in such a short period of time.

    CDC’s 6-10 months training program for NDA/NA & CDS/OTA/AF-CAT aspirants is an immaculately designed program for holistic development of the candidates.

Our Success Speaks for itself

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